Welding Machine Stud Type And Regulator Type Aluminium And Copper Winding

Weld Arc is our own Merchant Machinery Mart brand and we our the proud manufacturers of Aluminium and Pure Cupper Stud type and Regulator types of Welding Machines. WE manufacture 200 AMP portable aluminum and copper welding machines in large quantity. We also manufacture stud type welding machine of 250 Amperes, 300 Amperes and 400 Amperes aluminium stud type welding machines. We also manufacture 250 Amperes, 300 Amperes, 400 Amperes, 600 Amperes Regulator types pure copper welding machines too. There is full warranty of all our welding machines for 1 year.
Portable 200 Amps Welding Machine – Aluminium and Copper Welding
This is our portable type welding machine. We make in portable welding different shapes as shown. This is the most sold shape and our best product in 150 and 200 amperes welding machines. These are made in aluminium as well as copper (cupper). They come with a 6 months warranty and only the specifies welding rods should be used for best performance.
Portable 200 Amperes Welding Machine – Aluminium and Copper Welding
This is our portable type welding machine. We make in portable welding different shapes as shown. This is the most sold shape and our best product in 150 and 200 amperes welding machines. These are made in aluminium as well as copper (cupper). They come with a 6 months warranty and only the specifies welding rods should be used for best performance.
Portable 250 Amperes Welding Machine – Aluminium and Copper Welding
This is our stud type welding machine. We make these in aluminum only. These bolt type machines are made only for 250 amperes and 300 amperes and only in aluminum winding. These welding are of superior quality and come with 1 year warranty. Only the specified size welding rods should be used for best performance.
Regulator Type 400 Amperes Pure Copper Welding Machines
This is our regulator type most sold model and comes with great durability and comes in pure copper winding and with full warranty. These machines have full warranty and the quality of welding would also speak for itself. We are providing full service for these machines and would be happy to serve if there are any problems mechanically. These regulator type machine come in 400 Amperers and 600 Amperes.
Regulator Type 600 Amperes Pure Copper Welding Machines

Stud Type Welding Machine Aluminium Winding
This is our stud type welding machine. We make stud type welding machine only in Aluminium winding. We make stud type welding machine in 200 Amperes, 250 Amperes and 300 Amperes. Our Weld – Arc brand of welding machines comes with fully one year warranty.
Regulator Type Welding Machine Pure Copper Winding

This is our regulator type welding machine. We make 250 Amperes, 300 Amperes, 400 Amperes and 600 Amperes pure cupper welding machine. We give full guarantee that there would not be a piece of aluminum in our pure copper welding machine.